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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your questions about: learning test results, getting lab tests done, learning status of your referral, updating your phone and address, renewing prescriptions, providing feedback about the healthcare system, seeing medical students and residents, and understanding appointment times.

How do I get a LAB TEST done?
What are the hours for the lab in Spirit River?

What should I do if my PHONE or ADDRESS changes?

Please contact the clinic immediately to UPDATE your PHONE NUMBER or ADDRESS. This information is used to get in touch with patients regarding REFERRALS and other important MEDICAL CARE.


If we cannot get in touch with you, you may not receive IMPORTANT information related to your health.

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Is there an easy way to learn my TEST or IMAGING RESULTS without seeing the doctor again?

I am running out of MEDICATION, I have no renewals on my prescription, and I am not able to get in to see my doctor for many weeks. What should I do?

Most (but not all) patient lab test and diagnostic imaging results can be accessed by Alberta residents through the following Alberta Health - MyHealthRecords patient portal. Try it out!


The results are available to patients at approximately the same time as to your healthcare provider. (Logging into the above website for the first time can be challenging. Follow the instructions and if you need help, please contact Support for that website.)


If your results are ABNORMAL or you HAVE ANY QUESTIONS about the results or next steps, it is recommended that you book an appointment with your FAMILY DOCTOR TO DISCUSS your results in detail. When booking an appointment for test results, please let staff know the TYPE of test (blood, CT, ultrasound, MRI, x-ray, mammogram / tomosynthesis, or Pap) so they may schedule you appropriately.


DO NOT ASSUME you will automatically be contacted if your results are ABNORMAL.

Please FOLLOW UP WITH THE CLINIC if you do not hear from us.

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FIRST, call the clinic and book an appointment to see your family doctor (no matter how far out it is).

SECOND, contact your pharmacy and ASK them to FAX your MEDICATION RENEWAL REQUEST to your family doctor, letting the pharmacy know the date of your doctor's appointment. (They MAY be able to extend your prescription until you can be seen by your family doctor. This is entirely dependent on the nature of the prescription. Some prescriptions cannot be renewed in this manner.) 

THIRD, be sure to attend your doctor's appointment as we cannot continue to renew your prescriptions without seeing you.

FOURTH, plan at least TWO MONTHS ahead when renewing your next prescription. (Your family doctor may not be able to schedule a visit with you for up to two months).

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Appointments are required for routine lab tests. To book an appointment for a lab test, please visit the Dynalife Medical Labs website (this is the preferred method) OR call 1-877-702-4486.


Central Peace Health Complex Laboratory is open approximately:

Monday to Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm (closed weekends and holidays)


Appointments are NOT required for DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING (such as X-RAYS) in Spirit River at the Central Peace Health Complex Laboratory.

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If you have been referred to a specialist by one of our doctors AND you have NOT RECEIVED ANY communication (a letter or phone call) from the specialist AFTER ONE MONTH, please let our staff know and we will follow up for you.

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Can the clinic 'squeeze in' patients with other patients who have an appointment?

I haven't heard about the status of my referral...

Why do I see a different face sometimes when I visit my family doctor?

The Central Peace Health Centre is a TEACHING CLINIC. We may ask you to see a Medical Student or Resident as part of your visit. Practice with patients is ESSENTIAL to help train capable and compassionate doctors and other health professionals. We all learn from the experience!

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Generally, no. A separate appointment needs to be made for each person wishing to see a doctor. If two people would like to be seen by a doctor, they need to schedule TWO appointments (even if they plan to be seen together).


The doctors schedule FULL DAYS and try to stay on time to be fair to other patients who have booked appointments. Patients will be seen in the order they are scheduled, not the order they arrive.


Please be aware that having an appointment is NOT a GUARANTEE that you will be seen at that time. We DO OUR BEST, but due to the nature of medicine it is not always possible to predict in advance how much care a patient will require. Healthcare emergencies may occur at any time.

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If you wish to have a say in improving healthcare in Alberta, we continue to encourage patients to visit the website to provide any and all feedback about your health care.


This is a provincial-level forum (initiated by the Alberta Medical Association) specifically to capture patients' thoughts and ideas about trends occurring in our healthcare system.

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How can I provide feedback about our 'big picture' healthcare?

Phone: 780-864-3962

Fax: 780-864-4491

Central Peace Health Centre

Suite 100, 4410 - 50 Street

(PO Box 608), Spirit River, Alberta, Canada

 T0H 3G0

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