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About Our Practice

You Are Welcome Here

Our clinic rooms are a safe space for you to get support for various issues. Our discussion can be about ADDICTION, SEXUALITY, REPRODUCTION, PAST OR CURRENT TRAUMA, GENDER, or ANYTHING ELSE that is affecting your HEALTH and WELL-BEING. The clinic is a judgement-free zone where we can work on your concerns together. All health information is strictly confidential.


Sometimes what the textbook says does not fit REAL LIFE. We get that. If you CANNOT AFFORD the MEDICATION we offer, we’ll work with you to find the next best option or try to get it covered. If you do not want to do something we recommend, we will tell you why we think it is important, but the decision is still ENTIRELY UP TO YOU. We are here to help you be as HEALTHY AS POSSIBLE, but the greatest factor in that happening is you being engaged in your own health and us WORKING AS A TEAM.


The suggestions and advice we give will always be based on the available evidence and what science has proven to be effective. If we offer a treatment or course of action that does not have good evidence, we will tell you.

Open & Honest

We may not know exactly what is going on during your visit. We will tell you if we do not know something and do our best to find the answer. What we can tell you is that we will always do OUR BEST for you and be an ADVOCATE FOR YOUR HEALTH.

Prescription Refills

While we know that it is very convenient to always have a year’s worth of your prescriptions on hand, we do not always feel comfortable doing so depending on your situation. There may be bloodwork or other checks required a few times a year to ensure you are on the proper medication. For this reason, your prescriptions MAY BE FILLED IN SHORTER INCREMENTS.


Appointments are typically around 10-15 minutes long unless you are booked for something that takes more time, like a procedure. In that time, we want to help you with as many of your concerns as we can, but to do our job well, we are usually only able to talk about 1 or 2 concerns. Please be RESPECTFUL OF THE TIME that we have scheduled with other patients before and after you.

Wait Times

We will always do our best to stay on track and not run late, but at times it will inevitably happen. This may be because a patient earlier in the day had a very serious health concern that required more time, we needed to call a specialist for advice between appointments, or something unexpected came up throughout the day. We GREATLY APPRECIATE your understanding when we have fallen behind and will do our best to help you in a timely manner.

Phone: 780-864-3962

Fax: 780-864-4491

Central Peace Health Centre

Suite 100, 4410 - 50 Street

(PO Box 608), Spirit River, Alberta, Canada

 T0H 3G0

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